Monday, April 12, 2010

Shhh...Be Quiet I am at Starbucks

Shhhh....Be Quiet I am at Starbucks
By Robert Forto, PhD

As a frequent visitor of the local coffee shop to get a little work in, a little research done and a place to catch a quick conference call on Skype, I am finding more and more people using this space not as it was intended but as a satellite office and expecting its fellow patrons to respect noise levels by placing awkward stares your way if you speak too loudly into the phone.

I am sitting at one of my favorite coffee shops now, to remain nameless but its name has something to do with a wild Northern animal, and several tables are being used by people in varying degrees of their work/school day. One lady is sitting next to me with a contraption that holds up a huge college text book, pages open, while she types on her laptop.

The only requirement to use this space is the purchase of a latte and you can, I assume, stay as long as you wish for about three bucks. That is cheap rent for a warm place with a restroom, great coffee, free wi-fi, a meeting place for clients and even a view of the Rocky Mountains. Heck, that is only ninety dollars a month and you have “offices” all over town!

On the other hand in Aurora, Colorado several libraries are closing because the city government cannot afford to keep them open. The libraries usually have the same amenities as the aforesaid mentioned cafe and they don’t even require you to buy a cup of Joe. Yes, you cannot raise your voice above a whisper and you had better not forget to return your books or the library police will be after you but in this economy it is a great place to catch up on an email or two or research your next business project.

The other day, I heard a radio commercial speaking about this same topic. The lady was in a coffee shop conducting a quick business meeting via email and she mentioned that she doesn’t have to pay a huge overhead for her office. Because in fact, she is using a sort of “community” office space where the all the amenities are provided for a low monthly fee. Amenities such as, conference rooms, full time receptionist to answer her missed calls, not too mention, having use of office equipment. Have you been to some of the copy businesses lately? They are making a bundle!

Even with the convenience of having this type of office and saving thousands on overhead, we must consider the fact the your local library has provided this service for decades for free.

If you are one of the lucky ones who gets to use these venues to conduct your business, let us be reminded that we are conducting our business at another place of business and the other patrons are visiting this coffee shop to blow off their steam and take a break from business!

I would love to hear your thought on this topic as well. Email them to

Tags: Robert Forto | Michele Forto | Iditarod | Team Ineka | Dog Training Denver | Dog Doctor Radio | Denver Dog Works | Mushing Radio | Duluth Dog Works | Minnesota Dog Works
Dr. Robert Forto is the training director of Denver Dog Works and the host of a weekly radio program, The Dog Doctor Radio Show. Dr. Forto can be reached through his website at

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