Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our Dog, Our Best Friend

Our Dog, Our Best Friend
By Robert Forto, PhD

It's amazing what dogs bring into your life. Today I was looking at my Siberian Husky, Ineka, who is well beyond the decade mark and thought about all the good things that have happened to me since he came into my life. It's funny how a dog can be such a catalyst in one's life. When we are kids they are the constant companions that we tell our deepest secrets to. When we are adults they give us hope and determination. In old age they bring a sparkle to our eyes and a smile to our faces. Their eyes are truly a mirror into our soul.

It is also hard when dogs get old and begin the daily struggles with life that we once took for granted. Days when they ran around the house with such vigor and joy. If you haven’t gotten the chance I highly recommend that you read a novel by Garth Stein called The Art of Racing in the Rain. It is a book that is told from a dog’s eye view of the world. Enzo, a senior-citizen Labrador Retriever/Terrier tells the story of his owner’s life and how the dog teaches his owner many life lessons.

I will admit, the book was a tear-jerker for me and while it was difficult to put down, I was leery with every turn of the page because I could see my old dog, Ineka, telling the story about my life and how he perceives it. You see, Ineka and I have been pals for a long time, the better part of 10 years now. He has been my source of inspiration and passion. He has led me through life’s struggles and my sled dog teams on the path home. I will be sad when his time comes and that brings me to my interview with Sid Korpi on The Dog Doctor Radio Show.

Sid Korpi is the author of a new book: Good Grief: Finding Peace after Pet Loss. In her book she melds personal perspectives and astonishing stories with those of professionals, such as veterinarians, animal communicators and religious leaders and other animal lovers the world over to help you make your pet-grieving process as positive as possible.

In our interview on The Dog Doctor Radio Show we will talk in-depth on how to emotionally prepare for a pet’s euthanasia and understanding when it is the right time. I struggle with this as every pet owner does. If you saw the movie Marley and Me you can understand a person’s emotional turmoil as this day approaches. It is something that no pet owner wants to go through but we all know that day will come. How do you (or did you) prepare for that day?

We will also talk about how to view the death of your pet not as ending but (as animals see it) a natural transformation. It is called crossing the Rainbow Bridge and as Enzo said it in the book, The Art of Racing in the Rain, he will come back in his next life as a human.

Mrs. Korpi and I will speak about how to memorialize and celebrate your pet’s life; and how to move on after your loss and love a pet again. You see readers, I am a fortunate man. I have only had one person pass away in my lifetime in which I attended the funeral. It was my grandfather. He was my mentor and the strongest influence in my life and when he passed away I was awe-struck at the amount of pain that I went through after his passing. I had no idea that death could come so sudden and without warning. While I am not equating a pet’s death with the same regard as to a human’s what I am saying is grief is just the same. People love their pets as if they are family. Of course I do, I have literally lived with a pack of dogs for the better part of my life.

I have not prepared, I will admit that, for the passing of Ineka. It is going to be unbearably hard on me and my family. I recall one day last summer when Ineka was having a particularly hard time and my wife, Michele and I were texting back-and-forth about coming to grips with his health problems and the prospect of Ineka not pulling through. I will tell you I have never cried so hard in my life that day, texting back and forth, me sitting in my truck at 24-hour fitness trying to figure out what is next. Of course he pulled through and is still with us. He is as healthy as a 12-year old Siberian can be. He still bounds around the house on his good days and we share pizza and cheese some nights after work. But I also know that a time will come in the future (distant I hope) when he will need to cross the Rainbow Bridge. I just hope I am ready.

Please listen to The Dog Doctor Radio Show this weekend (August 1, 2009 at 9:30 am MDT) or download the show anytime at and let us know what you have done to prepare for your pets loss. We are interested to know.
Dr. Robert Forto is the training director of Denver Dog Works and is the host of weekly program, The Dog Doctor Radio Show. Dr. Forto can be reached through his website at

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