Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Have You Winterized Your Dog?

Have You Winterized Your Dog?
By Robert Forto, PhD

Cold weather brings its own safety and health concerns for both people and dogs. As a responsible dog owner, it is important to pay attention to your dog’s well-being during the winter. Remember the following precautions to help keep your pet comfortable, healthy and safe all season.

Provide Plenty of Fresh Water

Your dog is just as likely to get dehydrated in the winter as in the summer. Snow is not a satisfactory substitute for water.

Provide Plenty of Food

Feed your dog additional calories if it spends a lot of time outdoors or is a working animal. It takes more energy in the winter to keep the body temperature regulated, so additional; calories are necessary.

Keep Your Dog’s Paws Dry

Rinse your dog’s feet and dry them completely after a walk. This helps avoid tiny cuts and cracked pads. A little petroleum jelly or bag balm may soften the pads and prevent further cracking. Dog booties also work well.

Groom Your Dog Regularly

Your dog needs a well-groomed coat to keep properly insulated. Towel or blow-dry your dog if it gets wet from rain or snow.

Keep Your Dog Warm, Dry and Away From Drafts

Adequate shelter is a necessity. Tiles and uncarpeted areas may become extremely cold. Place blankets and pads on floors in these areas.

Watch Out for Winter Hazards

Cold: Do not leave your dog outside for long periods of time. Wind-chill makes days colder than actual temperature readings, and dogs are susceptible to frostbite on their ears, tails and feet.
Ice and Snow: Be extra careful when walking or playing with your dog outside. Your dog could slip or jump in a frozen lake, river or pond and get seriously injured. Snow can muffle scents and your dog can easily get lost.

Carbon Monoxide: Do not leave your dog alone in the car. It gets too cold, and carbon monoxide from an engine left running is dangerous.

Antifreeze: Although it smells and tastes good to your dog, antifreeze is highly poisonous and can be lethal.

Winter Sports

There are many winter sports that you and your dog can do together. Hiking, snowshoeing, skijoring, jogging, camping, cross-county skiing, mushing or dog sledding and more. Please make sure that you have your dog checked out by your veterinarian and it has a clean bill of health. It you plan to take part in any winter activity please train your dog accordingly and enjoy the snow! Denver Dog Works specializes in canine sports and we can help you and your dog achieve your goals together.

If you would like to schedule a no-cost evaluation to discuss winter sports with your dog please give us a call at 303-752-2818 or email at train@denverdogworks.com

Citation: http://www.akc.org/
Dr. Robert Forto is the training director of Denver Dog Works in Colorado. He can be reached through his website at http://www.denverdogworks.com/

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