Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mitakuye Oyasin
By Robert Forto, PhD

Mitakuye Oyasin in Lakota means “we are all related” or loosely “as one”. I cannot help to think that today’s historic inauguration of President Barack Obama should bring us closer together as a nation, to make us stronger, to make us the most powerful nation in the world.

But as I look deeper into the eerie eye of politics and the intrigue of the Washington elite I ask myself: “will there really be change as Obama promised or will he alienate the people of this great country and mock our personal ideals and values in his rise to power?”

What brings me to this point, with all the pomp and circumstance that took place this day, with the two million people attending this historic event that will go down as an event like no other, is how Obama approached the whole thing.

Don’t get me wrong, I like Obama. I am interested in his approach and I am interested in what he wants to deliver. I am also a registered Independent. I am not some whacko 15-percenter-partisan-only Democrat or Republican. I vote only after a comprehensive, exhausting research of the candidates and their policies. Did you know that only fifteen percent of the people of this country vote strictly for the political agenda? The rest of us, the true mortal souls, vote for our principles and our beliefs.

What I don’t like is how Obama wrapped himself around Lincoln. Don’t you recall that Obama “chose” not to wear a flag lapel pin and was asked about it in his campaign because he said he was wrapping himself in the American flag? You were not wrapping yourself in the flag President Obama; but you are making a monument out of a man in your references to Lincoln. In using his bible for your oath into office, the train ride to Washington, in the countless pictures of you at the Lincoln memorial. What has Obama done with his approach to this inauguration and the inclusion of the symbolism of one of our greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln? Obama has wrapped himself around a monument. Not Lincoln the man, but Lincoln the monument. Not the man that he was, and Lincoln was a great man, a great president, a great leader, but Obama is assuming the mantel of the monument of Lincoln and that makes me mad and I don’t want to be.

I remember the events of September 11, 2001 vividly and I know, of course, that these events changed history. It prompted every American to become patriots of our great society and our great nation and we chose to show our pride by placing American flags in our front yards and we wore flag lapel pins on our suit jackets and our coats, among other things. We were proud to be Americans and we rejoiced in the fact that we were a nation of one again. I wrote about this Americana in a research paper while I was earning my doctorate. It was titled The Churchill Controversy (Madison University 2001). I have since researched this more and have changed my views on my opinions of the time but that is not the point. This inauguration brings me eerily back to those days and weeks after 9/11 when we as a nation wanted to feel good again. When we wanted to have something to hold on to, when we wanted to have something to sink our teeth in and say “We are all related!”

But in a campaign where Obama said over and over and over again was not about race, was not about creed and was not about being black or white, the events of today made it clear to me that maybe there was an undercurrent of this that followed through the veins of this great historic event. We took a simple man, Lincoln and made him a rock star and that is not right. Obama skittered in on Lincoln’s coat-tails because he thought that was the right thing to do. I guess he thought that would make America proud again. He thought that it would bring us closer together. He thought that his Lincoln references would heal old wounds. But did they?

But while President Obama is making a mantle of Lincoln does he have the courage to stand by his convictions that we have heard so well in his eloquent MLK-esque speeches and his political promises to bring us closer together or will he choose to parlay the responsibility after it is too late?

Does Obama have the courage to stand up and fight for what he believes in or will he succumb to the same old Washingtonian politics that we have gotten so used to? I don’t want to be mad. I want to be supportive. I want to see this nation overcome our paralyzing weakness in this media-biased, fear based, economy and have the fortitude to stand by our convictions and become One again. I want us to become a nation of equals, a nation of strength and moral values that people all over the world will recognize. I want to be able to look back on this event when my grandkids are in history class and say, yes we triumphed and we are a stronger nation for it.
But I don’t know if that is possible. I think our nation is fractured. I think that we want change. I think we expect it but is Obama the right man for the job or his he just shadowing a monument?
Obama has made himself a mantle to Lincoln and he has become President of the United States. Obama is no longer a man. Obama as President has the responsibility to correct history. Is he up for the challenge? Where Bush is no longer President, he is now just a man. For the past seven years Bush has done everything in his power to keep us safe. That has been a tremendous feat. I am sure he has lost sleep over it. Say what you want about Bush and his failed policies, his ignorant approach to the Iraq War, but one thing you cannot deny is he cared about our safety. But that is now on President Obama’s shoulders. Is he prepared for that burden? Former-President Bush’s job is done. Will he sleep better tonight? I hope so.

Back to our Lakota reference: I have spent many a day in a sweat lodge. I have said many prayers for my friends and my enemies. I have suffered in the inpi for past wrongs and have asked for forgiveness. And when I leave Mother Earth’s womb we are Mitakuye Oyasin, we are all related. So tonight I ask that you say a prayer of thanks for anything that George Bush did do. I ask that you say a prayer of healing for anyone who might feel angry today that they may be their best person possible, and I ask you for a prayer for our military leaders and our troops that they may have bravery, courage, and honor, and one last prayer for our new President that he may have vision.

As actor, Denzel Washington said today, “It’s not about what the President says or does, it’s about all of us”. And I hope we all come out of this: Mitakuye Oyasin.

Dr. Robert Forto has a doctorate in Communications and is routinely published in local and national publications. He can be reached through his website at www.inekaproject.org

Monday, January 19, 2009

Move Over Cesar...The Dog Doctor Radio Show is Here!

Move Over Cesar... The Dog Doctor Radio Show is Here!
by Robert Forto, PhD

My name is Dr. Robert Forto and I am the training director and the owner of Denver Dog Works and The Ineka Project in Colorado. I am an expert in canine aggression and a canine behaviorist.

Starting on Saturday January 31, 2009 at 9:30 am MST we will be premiering a new radio show on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/. The shows focus will be on canine training, working dogs, and canine sports.I chose to promote my show on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ for several reasons; first radio time, even on AM radio is very expensive, about $1600.00 a hour on a low range signal. and besides does anyone really listen to terrestrial radio anymore? Especially at 6 am on a Saturday morning?

Second, I want to reach a wide audience with The Dog Doctor radio show and being on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ it will allow us to reach a world-wide audience and we will have a call in number for people to call in with comments and stories of their dogs.

Third, Cesar Millan, better known as The Dog Whisperer, and his national show on National Geographic has nothing on me. I have been doing this for 19 years and I have seen the worst and been bit by the best! With all due respect to Cesar, I do not have the luxury of a staff of hundreds and a full scale production team.

Cesar and his show, books, videos, flashcards, website, and everything else (he is a marketing genius!) have done wonders for the dog training industry and for canine trainers everywhere and any trainer that would "knock" him is nothing but foolish. Sure I have tested many of his methods and have had mixed results but by having him in our living rooms every Friday it has got to be good for business. And it has!One thing that Cesar and his resounding success has brought to us as trainers, well, at least my training school anyway, is that dog owners are expecting what they see on T.V. and in a limited amount of time and effort and that just is not the case. When I tell prospective clients that their aggressive dog will take "X" number of sessions, sometimes months, and "X" number of dollars, sometimes thousands, I inevitably hear, Cesar did it on his show last week in just one session. Ah...the magic of television! Of course all of us live in a immediate gratification culure and we want it all and we want it now (with as little effort as possible of course). I mean do you really like to diet or sweat to the oldies at the gym? No way, we just to be fixed, right?

I digress, back to my reasons for the radio show: fourth. I want to entertain. I am a musician. I was oh so close to being a rock star and signing that huge record deal back in the hey-day of Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, and the rest of them but I decided to follow a different path and became a professional musher (dog sledding) instead. Now ten years later I am itching to be behind the mic again. Sure it is not in front of thousands in Thunder Bay Canada, on the Fourth of July (if you followed by band Rainmaker you would know) behind a radio mic will suit my desires. I am an Internet geek at heart. I was the first person on the Internet in my neighborhood in the 1980's when the public Internet consisted of Dow Jones reports (I was 12!) and bulletin boards and a $700.00 phone bill (sorry mom).

The Dog Doctor radio show will entertain, I promise. I have more dog stories than Jack London and I have dealt with dogs that make Marley look like an obedience champion! Our show will have weekly guests and call-in's from all over the world. And with it being an Internet radio show their are no filters. Just raw, un-interrupted radio. (what!!..move over Howard....ah, not quite, at least not yet).

Fifth, all that aside, I am an expert. I have worked for 19 years to hone my training techniques and my philosophies. I have tried them all from clickers to touch free to shock collars, and I know what works. I routinely travel throughout North America to offer training sessions to those requesting my services and we have placed service dogs all over the country. I routinely speak on canine aggression and I am a qualified expert in canine aggression for both plaintiff and defense counsel. I can navigate you through the service dog maze and I can teach you how tro become a certified dog trainer. I am the real deal folks and I am the dog doctor. I have even been given the moniker of The Dog Ninja, but I don't think that would be a good name for a radio show do you?

So, I urge all of you to listen to us live at Denver Dog Works or on the Internet at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ starting on Saturday January 31, 2009 at 9:30 am MST. If you miss us you can always download it to your i-pod and listen to The Dog Doctor radio show while you are at the gym (please refer to the paragraph 6 above).We will also keep the discussion alive with a forum at http://myforum.robertforto.com/ and http://www.personalbordofadvisors.com/ and on these forums we can take your questions, comments and complaints if you have them, for future shows.

So, move over Cesar, The Dog Doctor is here!
Dr. Robert Forto is the training director of The Ineka Project and Denver Dog Works in Colorado. He can be reached through his website at http://www.denverdogworks.com/

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Have You Winterized Your Dog?

Have You Winterized Your Dog?
By Robert Forto, PhD

Cold weather brings its own safety and health concerns for both people and dogs. As a responsible dog owner, it is important to pay attention to your dog’s well-being during the winter. Remember the following precautions to help keep your pet comfortable, healthy and safe all season.

Provide Plenty of Fresh Water

Your dog is just as likely to get dehydrated in the winter as in the summer. Snow is not a satisfactory substitute for water.

Provide Plenty of Food

Feed your dog additional calories if it spends a lot of time outdoors or is a working animal. It takes more energy in the winter to keep the body temperature regulated, so additional; calories are necessary.

Keep Your Dog’s Paws Dry

Rinse your dog’s feet and dry them completely after a walk. This helps avoid tiny cuts and cracked pads. A little petroleum jelly or bag balm may soften the pads and prevent further cracking. Dog booties also work well.

Groom Your Dog Regularly

Your dog needs a well-groomed coat to keep properly insulated. Towel or blow-dry your dog if it gets wet from rain or snow.

Keep Your Dog Warm, Dry and Away From Drafts

Adequate shelter is a necessity. Tiles and uncarpeted areas may become extremely cold. Place blankets and pads on floors in these areas.

Watch Out for Winter Hazards

Cold: Do not leave your dog outside for long periods of time. Wind-chill makes days colder than actual temperature readings, and dogs are susceptible to frostbite on their ears, tails and feet.
Ice and Snow: Be extra careful when walking or playing with your dog outside. Your dog could slip or jump in a frozen lake, river or pond and get seriously injured. Snow can muffle scents and your dog can easily get lost.

Carbon Monoxide: Do not leave your dog alone in the car. It gets too cold, and carbon monoxide from an engine left running is dangerous.

Antifreeze: Although it smells and tastes good to your dog, antifreeze is highly poisonous and can be lethal.

Winter Sports

There are many winter sports that you and your dog can do together. Hiking, snowshoeing, skijoring, jogging, camping, cross-county skiing, mushing or dog sledding and more. Please make sure that you have your dog checked out by your veterinarian and it has a clean bill of health. It you plan to take part in any winter activity please train your dog accordingly and enjoy the snow! Denver Dog Works specializes in canine sports and we can help you and your dog achieve your goals together.

If you would like to schedule a no-cost evaluation to discuss winter sports with your dog please give us a call at 303-752-2818 or email at train@denverdogworks.com

Citation: http://www.akc.org/
Dr. Robert Forto is the training director of Denver Dog Works in Colorado. He can be reached through his website at http://www.denverdogworks.com/